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Jessie thinks the ultimate solution to her problems is to move back to Chicago, but a weekend trip there proves that to be untrue. Jessie also relies on her best friend from home, Scarlett, who frequently reassures her that things will get better.

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Somebody Nobody (SN) initially offers to be her virtual guide at Wood Valley, giving Jessie practical advice, but their relationship quickly evolves into a deep friendship that Jessie comes to rely on as she adjusts to her new life. It has hardly been two years since they lost Jessie's mother to cancer, and Jessie is still entrenched enough in her grief that she feels relatively numb to all the upheaval in her life. She is new to Los Angeles, having just moved from Chicago with her father, Bill, after he married a woman named Rachel from his online bereavement group. Jessie receives her first anonymous email from a classmate calling himself “Somebody Nobody” a week into her junior year at Wood Valley High School.

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